2018 is now over…..here are a few memories of the year!

Good friends in Prince Edward Island

This guy needs to get a cellphone

Fall in Eastern Townships

Looking for a bite

On the trail near Bloomfield

In Gananoque on the last cycling tour of 2018

Ice cream on a super hot September day

Two of my new friends in Charlottetown

Love this couple!

Nothing but the best facilities for the Cyclopaths

David talks to anyone!

Greenwich National Park…beautiful

David loves to ride his fat bike in the winter

AJ…our horse

Wonderful friends in Port Dover

Ireland….so beautiful!

I love this sign….found it in Ireland

Eastern Townships Cycling Tour

Check out the hat


Betty and Sandy enjoy a treat

Like I said, David will talk to anyone!

Fun pub in Ireland

Cliffs of Moher

Our castle hotel in Donegal

This guy is great!

He’s a colourful guy


Delicious Lobster in PEI

Guess who?

In Granby

Brie and David

Victoria by the Sea

in Gananoque

Irish pub

Giant’s Causeway

On the water at Signal Brewery



1000 Island Tour

First Fall Walk 2018

First Fall Walk 2018

Look good even from behind

Dessert extraordinaire at Cafe 5 in PEI

In Kinsale , Ireland

Irish coffee…..cheers!

Susanne plays and I pretend

A pre dinner get together in West Brome

Sometimes I feel vintage

Don’t ask

On the Port Dover tour

And we sure eat well on our Great Escapes

Carol at Lago in Port Dover

Saw this somewhere


Oh a hot, hot day in Granby

Yummy….the dessert, not David

The old yellow bike at the farm


Need I say it once more…he talks to anyone

Eastern Townships Tour


He did it….in PEI

So refreshing

One of my favourite summer spots….the screened in porch

At Judy and Jim’s cottage on the 1000 Island Tour

Trying out a motorized bike

The gang in Georgetown PEI

In downtown Warkworth, Northumberland Hills


Hmmmm…..those hats!

Trail riding

Working on maps

The Emerald Isle

Dave takes care of a flat

Great guys

Painted rocks along the waterfront trail

Ain’t that the truth
Happy New Year Everyone Here’s to 2019