Author Archives: Bev Hanna-Jones










Sometimes you just have to slow down… I was rushing around upon arrival at our wellness hotel in Austria putting out small fires and a lovely Austrian gentleman man told me “langsam”…meaning SLOW DOWN and relax……so I will learn to sit in a cafe, enjoy a latte and  watch the clouds roll by. This will be my new philosophy in life.


Roseneath Carousel

So what do I do when I am not organizing tours?  I organize fun events for our family!  On Saturday we booked the Roseneath Carousel for an hour and had a family picnic on the grounds. It was great fun… grand daughter Olivia loved it! 

The carousel operates every Sunday from early May to Thanksgiving from 1-3pm.  

June 6th

Last year on the very day, 26 Cyclopaths were at Juno Beach for the D Day memorial service. It was something I will never forget…..

The Beach at Peace

The Beach at Peace

Canadian Cemetery

Canadian Cemetery

On the beach
On the beach


Collingwood Rocks

Forty -one Cyclopaths enjoyed a three day tour in the South Georgian Bay region ……the Collingwood / Georgian Trails are superb!   Thanks to George  – Mr Trails and all the volunteers who made these trails superb for cyclists, walkers and more!

George...Mr Trails

George…Mr Trails
