Category Archives: Cycling Tours
Do you know the way to Annecy?
I Love Burgundy
Pizza Night on the Barge
Great People on a Great Escape
Here’s Looking at you Kid!
Lovely Daniele
The Glamorous Side of Planning a Cycling Tour
A few weeks ago David and I drove to Leamington and back in one day (1200 km in total) to do some scouting for the Pelee Cycling Tour this August. We found some great spots for group dinners but this wasn’t one of them…..eating perch and chips from a chip truck at the Kingsville dock! Fish was great but the setting….not so much!
Memories of Richelieu Cycling Adventure
“See You in September” Cycling Adventure 2015
The Cyclopaths had a great time in lovely Gananoque this past week……great food, terrific spot to stay, fantastic weather and oh yes….some super cycling too!